ADHD Reset for Women: Unlock Your Focus Naturally

Are you a woman struggling with ADHD? Feeling overwhelmed, unfocused, and unable to reach your full potential? Dr. Jonah Yakel's Natural ADHD Reset is designed specifically for you.

Discover the
Natural ADHD Reset

Dr. Yakel's innovative approach helps you manage your ADHD symptoms naturally, without relying on medication. Our program is based on cutting-edge research and Dr. Yakel's personal experience in overcoming cognitive challenges.

The Natural ADHD Reset consists of three key components:

1. AWAKEN: Understand your unique ADHD brain and its true potential

2. BALANCE: Learn to regulate your brain chemistry naturally

3. CONNECT: Establish consistent routines and deepen relationships

Brain  Recovery Roadmap

Program Details

The ADHD Reset for Women is an 12-week online program that includes:

  • Weekly video lessons on ADHD management strategies
  • Live Q&A sessions with Dr. Yakel
  • Nutrition and supplement plans
  • Sleep optimization protocol & Stress reduction techniques
  • Access to ADHD specific labs
  • 6 Months Access to All Course Content
JOIN the waitlist

Benefits of the ADHD Reset Program

  • Increase focus and concentration naturally
  • Establish consistent, productive routines
  • Improve time management and organization skills
  • Boost energy levels and reduce fatigue
  • Enhance emotional regulation and reduce anxiety
  • Strengthen relationships and communication

Is this program for you?

Join the waitlist to learn more if you struggle with:

- Procrastination
- Lack of focus
- Disorganization
- Impulsivity
- Overwhelm
- Inconsistent routines

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your ADHD brain from chaos to calm.

Take the First Step
Towards a Focused,
Fulfilling Life

Don't let ADHD hold you back any longer. Join Dr. Yakel's Natural ADHD Reset and unlock your true potential.

Join the waitlist

Brain +

We are looking for people who are ready to do the deep work required to reclaim their health and to restore healthy brain function. True healing often requires focus and dedication. If we decide to work with each other, we will be fully committed to helping you reach your health goals while challenging you to stay committed to your own healing process.

The demand for working with Dr. Yakel is high and only a few clients are accepted bi-monthly to make sure that each and every client receives a custom experience.

Please take your time filling out the application to provide Dr. Yakel with insight into your unique health challenges and goals.

There is a $99 upfront fee for the call that can be applied to the cost of any testing that is ordered. After the application is submitted, you'll be directed to a checkout page to pay this fee. After payment, you'll be contacted by our team to book your call.